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How To Carry Your Binoculars - The Choice Is Yours

There are many different ways that you can carry your binoculars. A lot of people assume that carrying them by hand is the only option, but they are mistaken. There are tons of binocular accessories that can help you carry them around far more comfortably than you can by hand. Here is a quick list of the most popular methods of carrying binoculars.

The Best and Worst Ways to Carry Your Binoculars

  1. By Hand: You can always carry your binoculars in your hand. While popular, this probably isn't the best way. When carrying them in your hand, you run the chance of dropping them or scratching the lenses. This is never a good thing. If you are carrying them in your hand, maybe consider putting some lens caps over the lenses. This will cut down on the chances of having your lenses scratched, although it will do nothing about dropping them.
  2. Neck Strap: The trusted neck strap is one of the most popular ways to carry binoculars. A neck strap is cheap, but if you are carrying around your binoculars for long stretches of time, you run the risk of your neck becoming tired. While the neck strap is probably not the best way to carry around binoculars, it's way better than carrying them by hand.
  3. Harness: The harness is a good way to carry your binoculars. This handy device straps to your chest and your binoculars are then strapped to it. This means that the binoculars are always in easy reach, and your neck won't get tired, like it would with the neck strap.
  4. In A Case: They make several different types of cases. There are soft cases made of leather and other materials and there are hard cases made out of things like metal or wood. It's far better to carry your binoculars in a hard case, because it limits the chances of damaging your binoculars. If all you have is a soft case, it's better than carrying them by hand.
  5. Binocular Strap: Binocular straps looks similar to a purse. The straps go around your waist and over one shoulder. The binoculars themselves are held in a pouch that sits near the small of your back. Women like this type of harness, as well as bow hunters because it keeps your chest free of obstructions.
  6. On A Helmet: Some military and hunting binoculars are small enough that they can be strapped to a helmet making them popular because they can be stored out of the way.
  7. Floater Carrying Strap: They now make a neck strap that is equipped with a floatation device. This accessory is very useful with marine binoculars, boaters or people out on the water. But, like the neck strap, your neck may get tired and the added weight of the floatation device doesn't help this much.
  8. Mount: You can mount your binoculars in your car, boat or anywhere else you may use them. That way, you don't have to really carry them at all, but instead let the inanimate object do the carrying for you. They even make car window mounts!
  9. Back Pack: Many people put their binoculars in their backpack. This isn't a good way to carry them. If they aren't in a case, they may get damaged. If they are in a case, they aren't in easy reach. By the time you get them out of your backpack, whatever it is that piqued your interest may have moved or is gone.

Well, we've covered the question of how to carry your binoculars. We've listed some of the best and worst ways of doing it. How to carry your binoculars is totally up to you, but how you do it could affect how successful you are with your binoculars.

About the Author

Scott Gray is a freelance writer and outdoor enthusiast who provides useful information and money saving tips about all types of binoculars. Visit his web site at

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